These are activations: some through video (images included) some through audios, think of me sharing with you codes, healings, quantum healings, information and tips to embody all those aspects!
You will embody your most shiny, god-self, you will be the embodiment royalty, you will be abundance, thohse are going to be magnetized to you, the same as deep spiritual (occult) wisdom, because you will be its embodiment.
Activations and codes included:
-Spiritual Royalty: “ I am the embodiment of spiritual royalty”
-Healthy DNA
-The Golden Halo
-Wealth Consciousness
-Royal Houses of Aramatena (Emerald Order)
-Royal Houses of Cassiopeia
-Blood Group Alchemy (Change and purify your blood)
-The Elohim Council
-Goddess Treatment
-Ascended Mastery
-The Royal Aura: “I know who I am”
-The Codes of Ascension
-Regulus, leo and being seen
-Queens and pharaohs: recover your wealth from past lives
-Corona Borealis: Wear your Crown
-Plug yourself into the Holy Grail Lineage again
*It is discounted for I will be sharing the activations in a few days-weeks
**The main language is english, if you speak spanish keep in mind that you can let me know in the coments if you have any translation questions, plus this is mostly activations so don´t worry about that.
- I am Spiritual Royalty (24:10)
- Blood Alchemy (57:01)
- Wealth Consciousness (24:48)
- Wear your Crown (Corona Borealis) (18:40)
- Retrieve past live gifts/wealth/pay karmic debt
- Embodying Sovereignty (31:38)
- Emerald Order Initiation with Lyra/Aramatena (57:31)
- Guided meditation with the Elohim
- Royal Houses of Cassiopeia (52:26)
- Goddess Treatment
- Golden Halo (20:59)
- Ascended Mastery
- Grail Lineage (29:17)
- Regulus Initiation (61:15)
- The Royal Aura (23:31)
- The codes of ascension: Esoterics of Rainbows & how Ascension Works
- Healthy DNA (14:02)
- Go deeper