-Oracular priestesses (reading from the womb) 
-womb oracle, holding more vissions 
-connection between womb and third eye
-the feminine chakras for psychic perception
-heart chakra, being well in time, avoiding mistakes, discerning inorganic timelines 
-intuition vs fear vs fantasy 
-root chakra practice for grounding psychic information 
-clitoris and third eye connection 

Why feminine arts for the psychic? Our physical body must be able to hold more: more activations, insight, energetic packs with new information and ligh...the more the body can hold the more psychic information you will be able to access like specific details, names of ancient places, memories, answers and so on. (men can also benefit from this training working with the energetic womb that we all have)

English and spanish videos are in this same page course

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